Your credit report information on ClearScore comes directly from TransUnion, one of two main consumer reporting agencies.
If there's incorrect information on your credit report, you can check with your provider. This quick option is to contact the provider to see why this information isn’t showing or is incorrect. If they agree to update and share this information, they’ll give the changes to TransUnion (our partner consumer reporting agency).
Allow 8 weeks for this to update in your ClearScore credit report.
You can also raise a dispute directly with TransUnion. Follow the instructions on their website and there is also a toll-free contact number, 1-800-663-9980.
When raising a dispute with TransUnion, please include:
- Use the email registered to your ClearScore account
- Full name
- Social Insurance Number (optional)
- Date of birth
- Current address
- Previous address (if at current address less than 2 years)
- Reason for your dispute
- Name of the disputed item (from your credit report)
TransUnion can take up to 30 days to come to a resolution, though the process is usually much faster than that.