Your credit score is provided by TransUnion and it’s from 300 to 900.
Changes show you any updates to your report.
Insights tell you what could be affecting your credit report and score.
Payment history gives you an overview of your on-time and missed payments on your accounts.
Accounts show any open or closed accounts in your name.
Inquiries are where you'll see any hard (credit-related) and soft (review) inquiries on your report.
Your personal information:
- Your name
- Date of birth
- Your current address and any other addresses you’ve lived at in the last six years
- Public information - bankruptcies, consumer proposals, debt management plans and judgments.
- Connections - anyone you share or have applied for a joint account with
- Other names - if you or your connections have any other names - or if you've changed your name (e.g. your maiden name or your partner's maiden name)
- Protection - any current fraud warnings from TransUnion Fraud Victim Assistance Department will show here.
- Consumer statements - when you attach an explanation about your circumstances for lenders to see on your report, learn more about this in our article.
Sometimes, banks and lenders share your information with TransUnion (our partner consumer reporting agency) for more or less time than what's listed above. When they stop sharing this information with TransUnion, it'll stop showing in your credit report.