If something is incorrect or missing from your report, you can follow these steps to get it fixed:
1. Contact the provider
You might wish to contact the provider to see why this information isn’t showing or is incorrect. If they agree to share this information, they’ll give the changes to TransUnion (our partner consumer reporting agency).
This should update in your ClearScore credit report within 8 weeks.
2. Raise a dispute with TransUnion
We get all your credit report data from TransUnion, so any changes to your report will need to be made by them.
You can raise a dispute with TransUnion directly.
They’ll usually acknowledge they’ve received your dispute within 24 hours. It can take up to 30 days to resolve things, but it’s often much quicker.
3. If the provider agrees – they’ll give the changes to TransUnion
This should show up in your report in the next 8 weeks. Sometimes, the provider might not agree with your correction. If this is the case, they’ll need to provide you with reasons why they disagree.
If you’re not satisfied with the actions made by the provider, you can contact the Ombudsman for Banking Services and Investments (OBSI).